Inspections and Safety Visits

Front Range Fire Rescue performs inspections at all businesses in the FRFR response area. These visits can either be "drop in" or scheduled in advance, depending on the type of business, size of the building, and/or the potential impact on our visit to the business.

Your safety, along with the safety of your employees and customers, is the primary focus of all fire safety inspections. We want your business to be safe so that you can continue to operate without experiencing any negative impacts from emergencies. You may also see a fire engine pull up outside your business and the firefighters may ask you if they could preplan your building. Fire personnel complete preplans so they can become familiar with the layout of the building, determine if there is anything unique about the building or business that may impact a future response, and also to predetermine the best ways to respond to any emergency that may effect the building or the occupants inside. When the firefighters or fire inspectors are present in your building, please feel free to ask them any questions you may have about fire safety, disaster preparedness, or anything else you may want to know about your fire district. Our members are always happy to help you develop and/or improve your emergency preparedness plans. Get additional information about business continuity.

Our inspectors strive to inspect every commercial business at least once per year. We may inspect high-risk hazards more frequently. If you have questions about fire inspections, or would like to schedule your business to receive one, please give us a call at 970-587-4464.

Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

Examples of fire protection systems include fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, kitchen hood suppression systems, radio amplification systems, emergency generators, fire pumps, spray booths and rooms, special suppression systems, smoke control systems, standpipes, and automatic closing fire doors and barriers.

All fire protection systems are required to receive inspection, testing and maintenance from certified specialists on regular, specific intervals. The purpose of these periodic service intervals is to check the systems to ensure they will operate properly in the event of an incident, which could help to minimize the risk of life and property loss.

Front Range Fire Rescue works closely with Brycer, LLC to help monitor, track and report the inspection, testing and maintenance of all fire protection systems installed and operating within the FRFR response area. All contractors who provide these services are required to digitally submit reports of all completed inspections, service and maintenance via the Brycer website.

Contractors can register with Brycer by calling (630) 413-9511 or emailing support@mybrycer.com.