Heating Safety

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It appears that the groundhog was right, and winter is staying with us based on our current local forecast! Did you know that about 1 in 3 fires in the US start due to improper heating methods? You might be using a space heater this week, and FRFR wants to  share some safety tips when using them:

 ✔️ Use only space heaters with a safety certification from an independent testing lab.
 ✔️ Plug heaters directly into wall outlets—never use power strips or extension cords.
 ✔️ Place heaters on flat, solid surfaces away from foot traffic.
 ✔️ Choose heaters with thermostats and automatic shut-offs to prevent overheating.
 ✔️ Keep heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn.
 ✔️ If you use a fuel-burning heater, ensure proper ventilation and use only the approved fuel type.
✔️ Always turn off and unplug space heaters before leaving home or going to bed.

#FrontRangeFireRescue #FireSafety #StayWarmStaySafe #GroundhogWasRight


logo and pic of a heater